Night and Day Ginger Twin over Full Bunk Bed in Cherry
Best Price: $829.99
Night & Day Furniture has started out with an aim to re-create the reputation of the futon from a cheap, difficult to assemble, mass produced item to a carefully constructed, stylish and functional piece of furniture -- and if the fact that they are today the fastest growing futon seller in America is anything to go by, then one must conclude that their goal has been accomplished. In large part, that success is probably due to innovative ideas they have brought into the market -- and here we must single out the revolutionary futon mechanics called Shoe Fittings™ Operating System, a hardware based approach to simplifying the assembly and the conversion of a futon frame which utilizes original, meticulously researched and tested components in order to achieve the convenience, ease of use, reliability and replaceability thus far unknown in the world of futons.
But not everything at Night & Day is about futons; today, their assortment encompasses a complete bedroom furniture collection including bunkbeds in all sizes. The Cinnamon line from Spices Collection features the twin/twin and twin/futon configurations available in multiple finishes, while the Ginger line adds the twin/full and full/full versions. Note that all Night and Day bunk beds feature uncomplicated contemporary design and are highly praised by users for their sturdiness and easy of assembly.
Night & Day Furniture Bunk Beds -- Sorted by Popularity
Night & Day Furniture Bunk Beds -- Sorted by Popularity